Our School

Ingrid Hanemaaijer

Community Representative

I have lived in Busselton for almost 20 years, being a local GP for this whole time, and have 3 daughters at Busselton Senior High School in Years 7, 9 and 11. They are all involved in the Geographe Bay Music programme. I have enjoyed many leadership roles in this wonderful community, including organising charity events, variety shows at the local theatre, directing a pantomime, and currently spearheading a group of young local musicians called JAMPACT.

I joined the school board in 2021 and bravely put my hand up to chair this year, taking the baton from Heather Carroll, whose long and valuable experience I hope to benefit from.

One of my favourite things in life is the development of ideas and facilitating change, so it is quite exciting to be able to be part of realising these concepts in the public education sector.  I feel very strongly about maintaining and supporting a diverse demographic in public education.

I also spend most of my life listening, so hope to be able to have my ears open to the thoughts of others in the school community.