
Student Support/Pastoral Care

Our supportive team in Student Services helps your child achieve the best possible learning outcomes in a safe and caring learning environment.

Student Services comprises of a number of specialist staff who work in partnership with classroom teachers, parents and where necessary support agencies to improve educational outcomes for students and maximise their potential in all aspects of school life. We also promote the school’s REAL values of Respect, Empathy, Achieve and Learn. We want all students to experience the sense of belonging and connection to their school community.

In addition to supporting individual students, our pastoral care program includes a range of specific year group programs that target values and skills including; citizenship, leadership, enhanced self esteem, resiliency and goal setting. We provide opportunities for students to engage with their school and broader community and play a key role in celebrating the endeavours and achievements of our students.

Our programs are also designed to assist students to make the necessary transitions as they move firstly into high school and then from the middle school to the senior school.

Please click here to download a guide on who to contact at BSHS.

Associate Principals
Student Advocates
Student Services
Aboriginal and Islander Education Officers (AIEO)
School Psychologist
Youth Pathways Coordinator
A Learning Support Coordinator (LSC)

Health and Mental Well-being

Busselton Senior High School is committed to the health and wellbeing of our students. We have partnered with the initiative of Act-Belong-Commit which have the guidelines for promoting positive mental health by providing a simple approach everyone can adopt to become more mentally healthy.

Our Mentally Healthy Schools Program provides a framework to embed Act-Belong-Commit within the classroom, school environment and whole school community to boost the mental health and wellbeing of students and staff and prevent the onset of mental health problems.

The program aims to:

  • Encourage young students to adopt mentally healthy behaviours early in life
  • Build resiliency so they can cope better with problems and stress
  • Reduce stigma around mental illness and increase openness about discussing mental health
  • Build the capacity of school staff to create mentally healthy school environments
  • Foster partnerships between schools and their communities.

Support Services

Acute Response Team (ART) Provides specialist child and adolescent mental health information, assessment and support for young people and their families.

Phone: 1800 048636

Beyond Blue Phone and online counselling for those struggling with depression and anxiety.

Phone: 1300 224 636


Headspace Free and confidential services that helps young people aged 12-25 with mental health support.

Phone: (08) 6164 0680

South West Refuge Problems within the family including domestic violence, homelessness and child .

Phone: (08) 9791 2894

Department of Child Protection Provides a range of child safety and family support services to Western Australian individuals, children and their families.

Phone: (08) 9752 5600

Phone: 1800 622258


Family Helpline Confidential telephone counselling and information service for families with relationship difficulties.

Phone: (08) 9223 1111